ARCHIVED DATA FOR: Phylogeny of Pelagiidae

Lisa-ann Gershwin and Allen G. Collins. 2002. A preliminary phylogeny of Pelagiidae (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa), with new observations of Chrysaora colorata comb. nov. Journal of Natural History, 36: 127-148.


Gershwin, L. and Collins, A. G. 2002. A preliminary phylogeny of Pelagiidae (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa), with new observations of Chrysaora colorata comb. nov. Journal of Natural History, 36: 127-148. Supplemental Internet Archive:

All images presented here are copyrighted property and may not be used without explicit written permission of the copyright owner.

These supplemental data are intended to illustrate the characters and taxa beyond what was possible within the confines of the published paper.


Strict consensus of two most parsimonious trees (length=39, CI=.718, RI=.800) for 15 pelagiid species with Bremer support and boostrap indices at each node. Selected characters that may be shared among taxa due to common ancestry are shown along the appropriate nodes.