Life Has a History

Life Has a History terms list

Biodiversity: the many different types of organisms that exist.

Cladogram: a branching diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships of a group of organisms.

Common ancestor: an ancestor shared by two or more organisms.

Darwin, Charles: a naturalist and one of the "founding fathers" of evolutionary thought.

Divergence: the splitting of one species into two or more species.

Evolution: descent with modification from common ancestors.

Evolutionary relationships: how organisms are related to one another through common ancestry.

Fossils: the remains or traces of ancient life.

Galápagos Islands: a group

of 16 volcanic islands and many additional smaller islets off the coast of Ecuador, near the equator.

Genetic mutation: permanent change in a cell's DNA.

Geographic isolation: the separation between populations caused by geographic distance or geographic barriers.

Geologic time: the long periods of Earth's history.

Natural selection: a natural process resulting in the survival and reproductive success of organisms best adapted to their environments.

Paleontologist: a person who studies fossils to learn about past life.

Speciation: splitting of one species into two or more new species.

Taxon: a group of closely related organisms.