Montana, Idaho, Wyoming

These summary tables are spreadsheets of data that were used in the paper published by Barnosky (2001) in Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21:172-185. Barnosky extracted the data from literature published prior to 2000 and augmented it with unpublished identifications (by Barnosky) of taxa from Hepburn's Mesa, MT. These data were later updated to follow all MIOMAP conventions before they were entered into the database; thus, what you see in the MIOMAP searches will differ in some details from what was used in this early publication.

Table 1S: Miocene Marsupials and Insectivores in the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains

Table 2S: Miocene Carnivores in the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains

Table 3S: Miocene Lagomorphs, Chiropterans, and Rodents in the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains

Table 4S: Miocene Proboscideans and Perissodactyls in the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains

Table 5S: Miocene Artiodactyls in the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains

Table 6S: Summary Data -- Miocene Mammals in the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains

Table 7S: Localities From Which Faunal Lists Were Compiled

Table 8S: References Cited in Table 7S

Use of this resource in publications should be cited as:
Carrasco, M.A., B.P. Kraatz, E.B. Davis, and A.D. Barnosky. 2005. Miocene Mammal Mapping Project (MIOMAP). University of California Museum of Paleontology https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/miomap/