Loans Image Map


These tables are used for information about UCMP material that has been loaned to researchers, both on campus and outside of the campus. When loans are returned, the records are archived to archive tables, which have the same structures as the Loans and Loan Items tables.


Stores basic external loan information.

Field Name DescriptionPrimary Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
BorrowedBy Agent Long Integer
BorrowedFor Agent Long Integer
AuthorizedBy Person Long Integer
LoanTypeNo Loan Type Long Integer
DateBorrowed Date
DateDue Date
FormImage Pointer to graphic file, image of signature on loan form. Alpha, 12 characters

Loan Notes

Any special information about the loan, such as old invoice numbers.

Field Name DescriptionPrimary Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Loan Long Integer
LoanNotes Memo, 50 characters displayed

Loan Items

Stores data about specific specimens in the loan.

Field Name DescriptionPrimary Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Loan Long Integer
Section Section of Institution (Vertebrates, Plants etc.) Alpha, 10 characters
Specimen Long Integer
ItemNo Item number within loan
Short Integer
DateReturned Date returned Date
Permission Regular loan, preparation, casting etc. Alpha, 30 characters

Loan Type

Authority file of standardized loan types.

Field Name DescriptionPrimary Key Foreign KeyParadox Field Type
Long Integer
LoanType Loan name Alpha, 20 characters