  • Congratulations!

    To Anna Thompson and Bob Harmon on the birth of their daughter, Emma Rosalene.

    To graduate student associate Lisa-Ann Gershwin on the receipt of an additional grant of $13,000 from the Australian government to continue her biodiversity studies and collect jellyfish specimens and tissues for her thesis work.

    To David Lindberg, awarded a $10,608 NSF planning grant for the project “Tapestry of Times Past—Request for a Planning Meeting.”

    To UCMP along with the University of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks and the West Contra Costa Unified School District on the receipt of funding from the National Science Foundation for a collaborative project, Geosciences in Alaska.

  • A welcome to new faces

    Al Janulaw (at right), our new Teacher on Special Assignment, will be working on the new UCMP evolution projects. Al has recently “retired” after teaching middle school students for 32 years. He also keeps busy by teaching pre-service teachers at Sonoma State University and is the immediate past president of the California Science Teachers Association.

    In the Padian Lab:
    Matt Wedel from the University of Oklahoma, where he did his MS on how sauropod dinosaurs evolved pneumatic spaces in their bones.

    Andrew Lee from Purdue University, where he did his MS on how the orientation of collagen fibers in bones gives us clues to the sizes and directions of the mechanical loads that they bear.

    Ben Matzen, a graduate of Tulane University who spent most of a year teaching English in Germany on a Fulbright Scholarship.

    In the Caldwell Lab:
    Karen Osborn from Andrews University and recently the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. She will be studying the behavior and life history of deep-water munnopsid isopods.

    Dr. Sheila Patek from Duke University as a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow. She will be studying the biomechanics of stomatopod crustaceans.

  •   Al Janulaw
    Al Janulaw with an old friend. (photo by Colleen Whitney)
    In the Barnosky Lab:
    Brian Kraatz from the University of Wyoming. He will probably be working on Early Cenozoic mammals of Mongolia.

    Alan Shabel from Dartmouth University. He will probably be studying vertebrate paleoecology in early hominid sites.

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    November, 2001