Friends of UCMP
Become a Friend
We would like to welcome the following new or renewing members to our Friends of UCMP:

Dorothy and Bill Clemens
E. Patrick Creehan
Zhexi Luo and Xuodong Feng
Todd Olson
James and Harriet Sanders
Judy Scotchmoor
Dorothy Tregea
Sue Hoey
Joseph Huston
Donald Lindsay
Jeannett and Bruce MacFadden
Eleanor and J. Hugh Visser
William Warner
Paul Babwin
Arlyn Christopherson
Dede Dewey
Al, Sharon and Tara Janulaw
Robert Kirby
Frank Perry
Mary Small
Scott Starratt
Jack and Mary Stirton
Judith Tate
Diana Thatcher
Bill Perkins
Mehdi Mohtashem
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January, 2005