Stewart Valley In 1959, during field studies for the UC Berkeley Department of Paleontology, John Mawby, Donald Savage, and S. David Webb, stumbled upon Stewart Valley. Little did they know that they had discovered the most diverse assemblage of fossils from the Miocene era in North America.(1) Located in mid-west Nevada at approximately 380 N latitude by 118 W latitude (2), the valley is flanked by the Gabbs Valley Range and the Cedar Mountains. At the time they were not aware of the significance of this unique paleontological area. For five years, the only research conducted in Stewart Valley concerned paleomammals. In 1964 the potential of the locality to provide the most complete record of Miocene life in North America was recognized. Under the incentive of Harvey Scudder from the California Academy of Sciences, the area became acknowledged as a national treasure. Local residents helped to make the United States Congress aware of the situation. Congress then issued an order setting a 64 square kilometer portion of the valley aside as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern. Now Stewart Valley is protected for science. This new level of protection works to preserve the paleontological heritage of Stewart Valley by prohibiting any harmful alteration of the site. United States law normally allows a citizen to remove fossils of plants, fish, and rocks without a permit. With the congressional order this was no longer the case for the valley. To understand the totality of Stewart Valley, we must understand what the Miocene epoch was like and how the area came to be a zone of fossilization. The Miocene epoch began 23.8 million years ago during the Cenozoic Era. The next eighteen million years were a time of great intercontinental migration. Tectonic plates were separating in certain parts of the world, while others were joining. As a result, temperatures rose compared to those of the Oligocene epoch. In the middle of the Miocene, the warming slowed down, and eventually a period of cooling ensued as the global climate changed in response to Antarctic glaciation. For Stewart Valley, the epoch began with a mean average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius and an annual rainfall of 35-40 inches, as suggested by the discovery of fossils of deciduous trees such as the oak. The climate became more equable, and vegetation systems likewise evolved. The gradual change in plant fossil indicates a decrease in the mean annual temperature of approximately 2-3˚Celsius which was accompanied by a reduction in precipitation about 10 inches(3). The transition in climate was matched by morphological evolution in animals. Temperate ecosystems also rediversified as tropical ecosystems retreated. The northern coniferous forests expanded, but the cooling temperatures and interior drying led the way for the appearance of kelp forests and grasslands. Grasslands, much more open than forests, soon came to dominate the landscape along with deserts. Angiosperms continued to radiate through newly formed ecosystems. As angiosperm radiation continued so too did the radiation of mammals especially, as well as other animals. Empty adaptive zones became present, and appropriate evolutionary novelties arose. Many adaptive radiations occur after mass extinctions, however this is not a direct consequence of the extinctions. Generally the environmental changes responsible for the mass extinctions create the new adaptive zones that get filled by new species. A mass extinction did not occur directly prior to the Miocene. Our climate today is not drastically different than the climate that evolved during the Miocene. This fact accounts for the similarity of Miocene fossils with organisms present today. Volcanic activity contemporaneous with tectonic faulting and warping, created a northwest-southeast drainage system that converged upon Stewart Valley. The drainage system eventually formed a lake sometime during the Miocene epoch. The lake was approximately 4-5 miles wide east to west and 8-10 miles long covering what is thought to have been a plateau higher than the present day elevation. A CLAMP (Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program) analysis involves looking at, "gross physical aspects of leaves, including outlines, shapes, and sizes that can be readily observed on fossilized leaves…we used canonical correspondence analysis….to rank samples simultaneously relative to several environmental factors (such as temperature and precipitation values)…Because leaf physiognomy character states have typically non-linear relations to environmental parameters"(4). Doing a CLAMP analysis on the plant fossil specimens from Stewart Valley has led researchers to believe that Stewart Valley was at a higher altitude during the Miocene epoch than it is now. Due to the spreading of the tectonic plates, the entirety of Nevada has been sinking, taking Stewart Valley along with it. As organisms from the surrounding plateau fell into the lake or were carried in by the drainage in to the lake, they sank to the anaerobic depths of the body of water. Because of the absence of life at the bottom of the lake, there was no microbial decomposition of the specimens. Silt then settled to the bottom of the lake and trapped the soon to be fossils. The fine grain of the silt sediment at this site also provided for conditions that would preserve the fossils well. The continued deposition bore down on the specimens, compressing them in layers of silt. This leads to the formation of compressions and impressions. Compressions were largely formed when specimens fell into the lake followed by rapid burial. A new theory dubbed "The Ziplock Hypothesis" states that the mucus trails left by the diatoms present in the water may have helped to seal the fossiliferous material as if it was being preserved in a ziplock bag. Photographs taken by Scanning Electron Microscopes show traces of what is believed to be the mucus from the diatoms surrounding the fossilized specimen. Plant debris and ash also fell into the lake, creating a volcanic slurry which then gelled into a silicified deposit. Plants, animals, insects, and almost every type of life are represented in the Stewart Valley collection. Because of the fine grain of the sediment, paper-thin shales reveal great detail in the plant morphology. Some specimens even show the veination of the leaves, and some show the damage done to leaves by insects. A great wealth of animal fossils has also been preserved in Stewart Valley. There are two horizons of fossil plants in Stewart Valley, separated by about 15 meters of rock. The Law of Superposition states that in unturned sediment the older layers of rock are deeper. The older paleoflora, found in the Gilbert Andesite formation, dates to about 16 million years ago; while the younger horizon, found in the Savage Canyon formation, is about 15 million years old. There are certain common plants that definitely grew nearby the lake and left their fossil signature: cedar, serviceberry, cherry, rose, willows, and poplar trees. As a million years went by in the middle of the Miocene many more common plants appeared. Fossils of fir, spruce, hemlock, walnut, red oak, live oak, and maples have been found in the younger sediment layer. Fossils found in the deeper horizon were deposited in the deeper parts of the lake basin, and represent many of the woody plants living in the area. The upper horizon contains fossils of plants that lived at or near the borders of the shallow, swampy area of the lake. All of these vegetative samples, along with current knowledge of the metabolic activity of these samples, indicate the cooling and drying components of the climate change. Specifically, the compositional change in taxonomy between the two horizons of paleoflora show a twenty-five cm reduction in annual precipitation in the Stewart Valley area. The temperature also must have dropped a few degrees Celsius as explained earlier in the paper. These climate changes were most drastic in summer time. The abundance of information gathered regarding pollen and spores was obtained from the fossils of the younger paleoflora of the valley. Although dicotyledonous and cone-bearing plants were present in both horizons of paleoflora, the dominant source of pollen varies between fossil layers. Seventy-five percent of the pollen samples originate from dicotyledonous plants such as oak, elms, and walnuts, and the other twenty-five percent. The younger fossil layers show a transitional increase in conebearing plant. Soon the 75% dicot pollen dominance was replaced by a 75% cone-bearing pollen dominance from pine, spruce, and fir. These changes are direct evidence for the progressive drying and cooling of the surrounding environment. One of the more abundant species of fossil found at Stewart Valley site is the Lynothamnus floribundus which is more commonly known as the Channel Ironwood. Before the discovery of numerous fossils in Stewart Valley, the Channel Ironwood was presumed to be neoendemic to the Channel Islands because it currently grows nowhere else in the wild. However, the discovery of the species in Stewart Valley, and subsequently in Oregon, mainland California, and all over the western United States discounted this idea. Fossils of plant species such as Lynothamnus floribundus have helped to determine the paleoclimate of Stewart Valley during the Miocene era. By taking note of the climates that the closest living relatives of the plants represented in the fossil record, a paleobotanist can help determine what the climate was probably like sixteen million years ago. This approach is relatively accurate because plants and other organisms generally adapt to the same climatic conditions in similar ways. Thus if modern plants have plants have adaptations similar to those found in Stewart Valley, the Miocene climate of Stewart Valley most likely was somewhat similar to the climates of the currently existing plants of that type. This reasoning has been used to find fault with the original theory that Stewart Valley began as a low spot which has been rising due to tectonic activity because many of the plant species found in Stewart Valley are known to live at much higher elevations than previously thought to have existed there at that time. In addition to the many plant fossils, the Stewart Valley fossil collection contains a diverse assembly of insect fossils that have been useful in learning about the insect fauna of the Middle Miocene. As a general rule, the insects living around Stewart Valley Lake in the Middle Miocene are quite similar to species extant today. Thus far, the insects found in Stewart Valley have belonged to the same major taxa that are around today‹no new insect taxa have been discovered at the Stewart Valley site. The closest relatives of the species of insect found in Stewart Valley are in Asia thus suggesting a connection between Asia and North America at some point. Some species of insect found at the Stewart Valley site include dragonflies, crickets, termites, aphids, butterflies, mosquitoes, fruit flies, bees, yellow jackets, and ants. There are also several spiders. Rapid preservation is the reason behind the relative lack of disintegration of the insect fossils. A very high or very low temperature, or a highly acidic or basic, saline water content prevents normal microbial action on fossils. The abundance and detail of the specimens attests to the high quality of their preservation, which took place in the volcanic ash. The fact that the insect fossils have remained intact suggests that little or no horizontal shift of the specimens took place other than wind-rifting on the surface of the lake, but waves were not present. The mollusk deposits found in the lacrustine strata of lower Stewart Valley give a lot of information about the aquatic habitat in Stewart Valley Lake. Stewart Valley had both a diverse and remarkably concentrated population of mollusks in the lake beds. The collection includes bivalves and gastropods which are small members of the arthropod phylum. The mollusk fossils come from a layer of the lacrustine sequence evaluated to represent life about fifteen million years ago. It appears that the Stewart Valley clams and snails are ancestral to many of the molluscan faunas throughout the area. Because freshwater mollusks are sensitive to their environment, the morphological adaptations of the shells can attest to temperature, energy levels, and water chemistry in the lake. When mollusks of a variety of genera are brought together, it is very likely that the conditions that support these organisms were present in the place where they were found. Stewart Valley also boasts an extremely complete vertebrate fossil record. The mammal population, like many of the other populations, was extraordinarily diverse. The woodlands and savannah surrounding the lake were ideal conditions for a plethora of animals. The discoveries of horse, camel, hare, prongbuck, long-legged rhino, and rodent fossils suggest the existence of plenty of open country for foraging. Predatory and scavenging carnivores are also known to have roamed over the entire area. Bones and other remnants of these vertebrates were buried in the banks of the floodplains around the lake. The abundance of volcanic clasts present in these sediments supports the idea that a source of volcanic terrain existed not far from the lake. Beavers and Plesiorex, a shrew-like animal that fed on insects, are the most abundant fossil in the Stewart Spring district of Stewart Valley. The community living near the spring is thought to have consisted of bony fish, amphibians, chelydrid turtles, anseriform birds, beavers, other rodents, mastodonts, short-legged rhinos, and various insectivores. Unlike the mammal and insect diversity known in Stewart Valley, there are comparatively few known fish species have been found in the lake and river deposits. These include a kind of salmon or trout and a type of minnow. The salmonid fossils are much less abundant than the cyprinids (minnow) and are found mainly in the upper stratigraphic sections of the lacrustine deposits. The genus and species of the fish fossils found in the fluvial region of Stewart Valley have not yet been identified because of their rarity. In contrast to the lack of bony fish diversity, an amazing number of feathers have been retrieved from the paper shales, but, attempts at identifying the feathers was unsuccessful due to the fact that the feathers were mainly the under feathers used for insulation common to many kinds of birds. However, a number of bird species have been cataloged such as the golden eagle, the burrowing owl, the turkey vulture, and the pinyon jay. Because of the wealth of fossils to be discovered at the Stewart Valley site, its preservation is of the utmost importance. Researchers from several acclaimed universities, such as Diane Erwin and Howard Schorn of the University of California at Berkeley and Neil O’Brien from the State University of New York College at Potsdam continue to utilize the fossil bed of Stewart Valley for their studies. Diane Erwin and Howard Schorn are currently working with Lyonothamnus. Neil O’Brien is using specimens recovered from Stewart Valley to further his hypothesis on the influence of diatomaceous mucus in the preservation of fossils. Research like this would not be possible if the potential of Stewart Valley had not been recognized early on and labeled as an area of critical environmental concern thereby setting it aside for the betterment of humanity. References Bertram, K; Pigg, K; Schorn, H; Erwin, D. 1997. Middle Miocene flora from the Virgin Valley, northwestern Nevada, USA. American Journal of Botany. 84: 374 Erwin, Diane M.; Schorn. Howard E. 1997. Channel ironwood (Lyonothamnus Spiraeoideae, Rosaceae) in the Miocene of Nevada. American Journal of Botany. 84(6): 384 Erwin, Diane; Schorn, Howard. 2000. Revision of Lyonothamnus A. Gray (Rosaceae) From the Neogene of Western North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 161(1):179-193. Schorn, Howard; Scudder, Harvey; Savage, Donald; Firby, James., 1989: General Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Miocene Continental Sequence in Stewart Valley, Mineral County, Nevada, USA. Proceeding of Internation Symposium on Pacific Neogene Continental and Marine Events. p.157-173. Scudder, H.I;. Schorn, H; Savage, D.; Firby, J., Lugaski, T.; Mawby, J.E.. 1986. Report of a Paleontological Inventory of the Stewart Valley Fossil Area (Proposed as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern). Bureau of Land Management, Nevada State Office, US. Dept. of the Interior, Reno. NV. Wolfe, J.A., 1964: Miocene floras from Fingerrock Wash., southwestern Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 454-N. Wolfe, J.A.; Schorn, H.E.; Forest, C.E.; Molnar, P., 1997. Paleobotanical Evidence for High Altitudes in Nevada during the Miocene. Science. 276:1672-1675.