Biogeography of the Late Precambrian "Ediacara biota"

These pages contain data pertaining to the biogeographic distribution of the "Ediacara-type" fossil biota of the Vendian (latest Neoproterozoic). This page is intended to complement the paper "Biogeography of the Late Precambrian 'Ediacara biota' suggest a Laurentia-Gondwana link," which has been submitted to the journal Terra Nova. This page contains the full data set that was analyzed for that paper, plus links to WWW information on the software used to analyze the data, a reasonably comprehensive bibliography pertaining to the distribution of Vendian fossils, and some notes on the informal nomenclature of several key fossils that have been illustrated but not yet named formally. It also includes the abstract of a talk on Vendian biogeography presented at the 1996 California Paleontology Conference at UCSB, Santa Barbara,California.

Comments on this information should be directed to Ben Waggoner at