Home | Session 4 | Weathering Pg 1, 2, 3, 4

Weathering and Erosional Processes

Presented by Lisa White
San Francisco State University

Soil Formation:

Parent Material ----------------------> Soil

primary minerals
secondary minerals

Typic Aquisalid:

  • This soil is typical of those found in the Basin and Range Province of the US.

  • White crust at the soil surface is a mixture of various soluble salts.

  • High salt content in the upper profile inhibits the growth of most plant species.

Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludult:

Piedmont region of the southeastern USA.
-Virginia to Alabama.

Parent Material
- felsic, igneous, and metamorphic rocks

The Bt horizons typically have clay textures ~70% clay.
- kaolinite and hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite.

Clastic Environments - Terrestrial and Marine:

Clastic + Biogenic Environments - Marine Realm


updated March 6, 2002

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